This Mommy Runs on Caffeine

This Mommy Runs on Caffeine

December 30, 2009

Terrific Tuesday 12/29

If I only end up blogging on Tuesdays next year, at least there will be 52 regular posts- however, there will also be many milestones that Kiera will pass in the upcoming year so, that will add on another 12 or so.... phew, that makes me tired just thinking about it!  ( :

It's been a very loooooong week filled with ups and downs and everything else that holidays usually bring on; and I survived to blog about it yet another day.  I had high, high hopes about doing a Christmas day post about how Merry and Wonderul it is and to have a great day, but it was hectic enough without adding one more thing to the list!

On to another list: Terrific Tuesday
1) Baby Giggles:  is there not anything sweeter than hearing a small child laugh because of sheer joy?  We got to hear Kiera really giggle for the first time on Christmas Morning- talk about a great present!  *sniff, sniff*  She's been laughing for a while, but mostly just a little "heh, heh," and not one of those ear-to-ear belly laughs.  Don't know what it is about that fuzzy, wuzzy changing pad that she so loves!
2) Gift Cards:  So I'm not one of those that thinks that gift cards are the "easy way" to give gifts- I love them!  This coming from someone who had to do baby shower gift returns... gift cards are great, especially for post-holiday shopping at great sales; they don't require a gift reciept and better than cash, they can't be spent on bills.  If they are to a store that you know that the recipient actually shops at and loves, then more power to the giver.  (Trust me, I was thanking my dad and dear hubby when I only had to spend less than $10 out of pocket for a $80+ transaction at Bath & Body Works semi-annual sale on Sunday!)
3) Pedicures: when you're having a stressful week, there's nothing like a pedi/ mani with little sparkly designs, especially when you get to do so with a girlfriend or, in this case, your mom.  Even better?  Mom footed (ha, ha) the bill!
4) Vacation Days:  God bless paid vacation days!   Better yet- are paid vacation days in conjunction with paid holidays.... more quality time to spend with my wonderful little girl!
5) Fuzzy Socks:  No, I'm not lacking for something terrific- I think that there is something so cozy about slipping on a pair of soft-as-can-be socks after a long day!  That's why my drawer is overflowing with them (oh, honey don't get me started on the pajamas....)

and 5a) Holy increased blog traffic batman- I'm so excited about more traffic on here- thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to peer in our life. I hope that you'll come back soon!  ( :


  1. Ha! I love me some fuzzy socks and gift cards too! I asked everybody for gift cards for Christmas! Thanks for stopping by my blog and enjoy the baby...they grow up way too fast!

  2. I agree with all of your Terrific Tuesday 12/29! Those things are wonderful. Thanks for checking me out. Your girl is precious.


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