We just got back from having the 3D/4D ultrasound done at Sonotech (for any of you local in Sacramento- this place rocks! They are inexpensive compared to similar services and will refund your money if they can't give you photos/ good results.... ask me if you want to know more!) and it was a very, very cool experience.
The tech let us know right off of the bat that BabyW is head down into my pelvis and the left side of her face is right smack against the placenta. So much for symmetrical photos.....
As far as the puppy and the piggie- there are a few photos where she is moving and they snapped a photo so that the image resembles a puppy; and then her face is smooshed into the placenta therefore giving a pig nose. It's funny- I can't wait to show those to a future boyfriend much, much later down the road (like when she's 30). Isn't that what we parents are meant to do when we have grown children- embarrass them? RIGHT MOM?????
So, back to the ultrasound- we've been looking forward to this since we booked the appointment a few weeks ago and it's part of Jason's first Father's Day present! The place is busy, and luckily the two mommies before us (who took their entire families with them!) had uncooperative little babies so we didn't have to wait too long nor have to try to get BabyW to turn over. She was in about as good of position that she could be, but again, no full on shots... but there are some awesome ones! There is actually a 16-minute video of the whole process- I'm going to see if my Dad can edit it to post here- there are some amazing parts! She is a very active little girl and loves to have her hands around her face. And even though she is so photogenic (how can you not be with such adorable parents like us! HA!) she doesn't care to have photos taken and would turn away from the wand. Quite the little personality already. A good sign for a healthy baby!
I loved watching the movement and being able to actually feel it at the same time!
I also had the triple-check done that BabyW is still a girl (and she is) and not very shy about showing us so! Oh, and the last development? She is measuring, um, about 3 weeks larger than I'm supposed to be. The screen shots give an EDD of 8/16/09- which is- HOLY CRAP- over 3 weeks sooner than we are originally expecting her! I know, I know- first babies never come on time! But 8 weeks is a bit overwhelming compared to 11! Yikes.
(I know, the suspense over the new photos is going to kill you but try waiting 17 weeks to find out if it's a boy or girl! HA)
(And now that you've seen the cute ones.... here's the "puppy" picture- she is moving as the tech snapped the picture thus resulting in blurring of the image. C'mon- you know it's kind of funny!)

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