- Duck- I waddle when I walk.... not by choice.. Quack, quack
- Whale- I am beginning to feel like a beached whale..... ugh and the baby is just starting to 'bulk' up for delivery!
- Orangutan- fruit- that is my craving- all the time- I therefore am a frugivore. Orangutans' diet is 65 to 90% fruit, I, however do not like bark. I also posess great intellect! LOL! BabyW is going to come out with seeds all over her, or DH says looking a bit like a Fruit-of-the-Loom character! LOL
- Cat- If only I could nap all the time (I envy that they can curl up in a little ball) and although not by choice am nocturnal
- Horse- Have to sleep standing up!
- Giraffe- I have to assume a giraffe pose to bend over to pick something up
- Elephant- Although it has only been 8 months, it feels as if it will be the elephants' standard 22-month pregnancy- hopefully BabyW will not weigh 250 lbs and be 32" long! Holy Animal Kingdom Batman!
- Gremlin- Feed me every two hours, but never, ever after midnite (heartburn!)..... and if I don't eat, and turn pregzilla- it's a bit like Spike and his bad gremlins have taken over!
But, please, don't mistake me for a PETTING zoo- do not touch the belly. I am not (although beginning to mildly resemble) Buddha and will not bring you good luck if you rub me.
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