I really, really need to make "blogging- regularly, religiously" part of my 2010 resolution.... I guess I just have to get over the thought that each post has to be something completely thought provoking or profound. I mean, the title does say RANDOM, right??? I can't tell you how many posts that I have that are half written and never make it up because they aren't deep enough.... whatever..... do you know how many blogs I keep returning to because they are entertaining and not just philosphical??? (Okay, Socrates....)
So, in early preparation for the resolution: Terrific Tuesday is going to be something that I'm thankful for/ is totally cute (um, what's NOT cute about Kiera!!!)/ helpful to other people (do other people other than Jason, Kindle and Jennifer actually read this??? I would hope so! HA!) or I just really need to share:
So, here goes my first Terrific Tuesday post:
1) (Formerly) Pregnant Chick's Mommy is on the way over here for Christmas! YAY! Please, please white, fluffy snow let her over the pass....
2) I'm almost done decorating for Christmas (um, yeah, that's another entirely different post!)- just have to get some candles to set out and "wrap" the picture frames!
3) I've found regular daycare for Kiera- it's a stay-at-home-mom friend of mine and Jason and I are both so thrilled. She could use the money, we want someone awesome watching Kiera on the non-Daddy days and if you can't trust another mom, then whom??? She comes highly recommended by another friend who used her for her first baby. YAY!
4) Kiera is religiously sleeping through the night now! BIG YAY- that's if she gets her last bottle around 11ish... thank you patron saint of 6+ consecutive hours of sleep!
and 5) How can your day NOT be perfect when this is what you get to come home to???:
Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat a soft, soft cutie!! It makes me almost miss the baby days. Almost - lol
ReplyDeleteI'm stopping by from the MBC. I'm at http://thesuburbanjungle.blogspot.com