This Mommy Runs on Caffeine

This Mommy Runs on Caffeine

April 13, 2009

Is It Pink or Blue for BabyW???

Our neighbor told us about a private Ultrasound place that you could get gender determination done at 17 weeks~ since we were 18 weeks at the time, we decided to call and try to schedule an appointment if the cost was relatively low and if we could get an appointment quickly. (Our formal ultrasound with Kaiser isn't until April 23rd- and I'm a tad on the impatient side!) So, we called on Tuesday and made an appoitment for that Friday and it would only be $65 or the appointment. Those four days dragged by and of course, we had to wait forever in the waiting room! I hopped up (or what resembles that action) on the table and the first thing we hear is a very strong heartbeat of the baby. Well, after that it was a tear-blurred five minutes! I was a crying mess (tears of joy, of course!) and I completely lost it when the technician proclaimed the gender (you must see to believe!!) I was so thrilled that I missed most of the video, so it's really awesome to be able to review the process again, and again, and again.... so, without further delay: Presenting BabyW:

Of course, Mommy has to do a 'play-by-play'

  • 0:00 - 0:34/ BabyW heartbeat @ 148bpm- very good (if you look at the frame of the baby above, you can see her moving around a bit.

  • 0:34- 0:50/ Good views of the profile- BabyW is putting on quite a show!

  • 1:02/ Tech is pointing out her nose

  • (NOTE: when the 'video' pauses, they are taking still photos of the baby)

  • 1:12/ Looking for a 'hot dog' or a 'hamburger'!

  • 1:16 -1:20/ It's the 'money' shot! - The yellow arrow points out the absence of a 'hot dog'- so mommy's intuition was right- BabyW is a Girl!

  • 1:37/ Confirming mommy's second guessing- are you sure- and the tech is pointing out the vajayjay.

  • 1:43- 1:47/ "There would be a 'hot dog' here if she was not a she...." (I belive this is when Jason finally breathed a sigh or relief that mommy gets her wish and gets a little princess!)

  • 2:47/ BabyW's spine- Look, no tail!

  • 3:08/ Close up of BabyW- isn't she cute? I think she has my nose! Hopefully Daddy's beautiful blue eyes too!

  • 3:17 & 3:27/ "Woohoo, watch me kick Mommy's uterus! This is fun!"

  • 4:15 - 4:30/ Noggin shot- oh good, only one head!

  • 4:32- 4:36/ Watch on the right screen as BabyW is turning her cute little head to show off and be difficult to measure!

  • 4:47/ "Watch me on the left side as I give Mommy another good kick!"

  • 4:56/ "See how big I am: 4.08cm, and I'm actually 19 weeks- one week older than they thought! Hopefully I'll make my world debut on September 1st!"

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