Pic of the Day: Best Friends
'first born' old girl, Shyner was a stray that I found back in '96- she came running out of a neighborhood and rolled under my car. Despite efforts to find her owners, I never did, so we adopted eachother! I think she was around 1y/o or so, and she was kind of skittish but very sweet. At the time, I lived with a roommate and his dog so she had companionship most of the time. The next year when I moved out on my own to my dad's rental, it was discovered that Shyner suffered from separation anxiety, and since my commute + work + school kept me out of the house most of the time, I decided to get her a 'buddy.' Actually it was a fluke, former roomie above brought to me two kittens- Rusty and Dusty. Shyner thought they were her babies! (Rusty ran away about 8 months after I got him, but Dusty is still alive and well!) Needless to say, Dusty and Shyner are best buds- the cat seems to like her more than us! ( :
Last night we were having 'family time' and this is the result. How cute is this? Shyner's head is resting atop Dusty! I couldn't resist snapping a photo from my cell phone to share.
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